Support / Orders & Refunds / I was billed multiple times for the same order, can I get a refund?

I was billed multiple times for the same order, can I get a refund?

Sometimes visitors of the Yum Audio store face an issue, where they are billed multiple times for the same purchase.

First off, don't worry, you'll get your money back and we will issue your refund as soon as we get your ticket! Please use the "get in touch" link below to contact us!

While this issue occurs rarely and we are trying to act quickly to resolve it for affected users, it's unfortunately something that we can't prevent from happening entirely.

Yum Audio is using a 3rd-party service provider to handle billing and monetary transactions. Sometimes, when a customer decides to pay via PayPal, something is not working right on the backend of said service provider.

Yum Audio has been in contact with the provider on and off for a considerable time, but so far the issue hasn't been resolved on their end. So our only recourse is to react fast and issue you a refund, if you're affected.

We understand how this can be an inconvenience for you and please know, that we're actively pursuing avenues to solve this issue!

Can't find what you're looking for, get in touch with us!