Auto Populate Plugin Parameters in Ableton Live
To change the number of parameters displayed when loading a Yum Audio plugin inside of Ableton, we can make use of Ableton Lives options.txt file.
The options.txt file opens up extra features in Live.
To create one yourself:
1 - Create a new plain text file using a text editor and name it Options.txt 2- Place it in Live's Preferences folder
WINDOWS: \Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\ MacOS: /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/
Add the following Line to your Options.txt file and then save:
This auto-populates the plug-in parameter list if a plug-in has a number of less or equal than X parameters. You can change the value below to anything you like, also 0. In that case the plugins will never auto-populate until you have chosen to do so.
Now with this done, restart Ableton Live and the changes have taken effect!
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