The Gapless Pitch feature in Slap
The Gapless Pitch feature in Slap offers nuanced control over transient replacement during pitch adjustments. When pitch-shifted sounds have their pitch raised, they playback faster, thus reducing their duration.
Let's visualize what the Gapless Pitch mode does below.
As a Source Sound, we use an 808 style sound with a very soft transient at the beginning.
Gapless Mode = Disabled
With Slap enabled, Transient Replacement adds the Transient of our choice to the beginning of the sound. However, if we pitch the transient up, it will be shorter, thereby creating a gap between the transient and the rest of the sound. This gap adds a distinct snap, enriching the audio with a unique rhythmic character.
Gapless Mode = Enabled
With Gapless Pitch mode on Slap's intelligent algorithm, dynamically adjusts the length of the transient replacement in line with the pitch shift. This approach ensures a smoother, gapless audio flow, creating a more uniform and consistent waveform.
Both settings provide producers with creative flexibility, allowing them to either embrace the gap for stylistic effects or opt for a seamless transition for a seamless sound. The choice between these modes depends on the desired outcome and the snap like quality that is desired in the final sounds.